Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring Break

After all this back and forth planning for spring break I finally think I have my plans together. Panama City is the move and I wasn't gonna back down until I had plans to go there. Still getting my plans in order right now but it looks like i'm going to Panama baby! Nothing better come in the way of this trip because I've been waiting for this for the longest. Theres no beach here is Orlando which is so crazy so i'm pretty excited to be on the beach and a new one at that. In the meantime i'm already sorting out outfits to wear. Fashion craze problems.

Melanie Fiona look alike ?

Well i've been getting the whole "You look like Melanie Fiona" quote for some time now. If you don't know her she is an amazing singer, but yeah when people tell me this I'm just like, "How do I look like her?" I just still don't see it till this day. She is so beautiful! Do you see it?

Dressing Appropriately

I can not preach it enough when I say dress appropriately for your body type. It's one of my main pet peeves because my mom brought me up to dress for my body type and so I feel other people should stop pressing the limits. Why are you buying it when it doesn't insinuate your shape in any way? Prime example with girls I see on campus sometimes and they stomach is all out jiggling, like yuck that's not attractive. A lot of girls want to dress like how they see famous people on TV and they see these cute clothing items in stores but just because it is cute does not mean it is for your body type! Dress on what not only looks good for your body but makes you feel good also.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Well to sum up my week I basically just went to school and yeah that's about it. Of course as in my post before Valentines day was great. My brother's fiancé is here and she has been talking to me about the wedding and I'm pretty excited. I'm the type who loves to get dolled up so I'm ready. I'm going to be wearing a Vera Wang dress. That's like everything to me because Vera Wang is like the queen of weddings in the fashion industry so I'm so ready to have try this dress on. I even get to pick a song I want to walk into the reception in, I'm just not sure what that will be. Anyways, my parents came down for the weekend to visit so it's been a family weekend. I got to hang with my girls too which was nice. Pretty good week/weekend. Other then school of course because I'm just completely over it right now. Okay Bye!

Valentine's Day Curse Broken (Maybe)

I've always had horrible Valentines Days my whole life. I've yet still in my 20 years of living haven't had a true Valentine but I'm okay with that. I can finally say now that I had had a great Valentines Day this year. All I did was go to classes, clean, and my brother's fiancé came in town and cooked dinner for us. Not to mention the love my phone was getting too. It was a great day even though I really didn't do anything. You would think I would say it was bad cause I didn't do anything or have anybody but I was very pleased and happy about my Valentine's Day. I don't even want a guy in my life right now because I'm focused on me and what's important. Now when it comes to the rest of my Valentines Days, yeah they were just horrible and I've always thought it was a curse on me to have bad Valentine's Days but that curse may have been finally broken. We will see next year.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


We all love music. We wouldn't know what to do with our self's if we didn't have music. It's what we turn to when we are feeling some type of way weather it be because of something going on in your life or you just having some strange mood swings. I like to listen to artist who actually talk about something important, you know incorporate what is going on in the world in their songs that grab our attention. I love Kendrick Lamar. I've been listening to him before he even made it to mainstream. He truly is a lyrical genius and I find it so attractive. I would have to say my favorite song from him is between "Hiipower" and "The Art of Peer Pressure" because those songs speak volumes to me and he is actually talking about empowerment against the government and how you can like your peers influence what you do. I love the whole TDE gang but I have to say my favorite rapper out is definitely Ab-Soul. I love him too much and his album Control System is everything. My favorite song is "Pineal Gland" and I go mad hard when that song comes on. But I must say that the song I feel people should listen to when they check him out is "Double Standards". Now in our class discussions we are constantly throwing out double standards and every time I hear one I just start to sing this song in my head. The title speaks for itself, I suggest people to listen to it. This two are my favorite in the game (more so Ab-Soul) and I am so happy I was able to see them in concert this past September when they came here. It was a great show and I was in the front screaming my lungs out when they both performed. Other rap artist I like who speak on factual feelings and issues are Drake and J Cole. Well, enough about rap, Im moving on to some R&B and soul music. My favorite singer is hands down Jhene Aiko. Ever since I heard her song on a makeup tutorial about a year ago I have been hooked to her ever since. I'm always mentioning her to my friends and to people on twitter and I must say I have gotten others hooked on her as well. She has a mixtape called Sailing Souls and it is amaze balls. My favorite song from that would be "You vs Them". Just a beautiful song and that was the first song I heard from her that got me hooked. She has her debut album Souled Out coming out in March and I'm so excited ! Plus, I mentioned her on twitter this past May and she replied back and told me she loved me ! I was so happy, now if she would just come to Orlando to do a show I will be fulfilled. These are basically the main people I listen to on a daily basis other then Rihanna of course