Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Friendships & Relationships

Well I for one take friendships/relationships very very seriously seeing as I have been constantly hurt over and over again throughout my entire life by person's I cared for. So the fact that I'm seeing people do some flaw mess is not cool. I hate dealing with people who think their a good friend and they be hypocrites and are completely delusional to the fact that they are doing you wrong! I don't have the time to deal with stupid folk who claim to the world they a good friend but they don't live up to it. Loyalty and respect is what I give and if I don't get it back then you will pay. I don't play about nothing and I surely ain't the type to make mad because I have no issues putting someone in their place. I just really don't understand humans these days. I don't like them at all.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Desire vs Money

I'm ready to fulfill my dreams in the fashion industry already. It's all I ever want to do and I just need to find a way to start being able to make this dream become reality. I'm in school for the medical field and this stuff is so stressful. It's not what I want to be doing but I mean I just decided to go to school for it just  for the money. Stressing my self out to reach a goal I don't even want is getting me to my breaking point. I hope after I graduate with my BS degree I can be able to go to fashion school next. I don't want to have to go to medical school right after these 2 more years I have are up. Hopefully I can start working on my fashion career now. It just never seems like it's enough time in a day for me to put in the work because I'm constantly doing school work for a career I don't even want.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Break 13'

Had the best time of my entire life this past week! I went to Panama and it was too much fun. I meet some of the coolest people and I must say I did get crazy. Almost got arrested and many more things happened. The beach is so beautiful but far from relaxing because there is so many people on the beach that all you can do is just "turn up" and have a blast with them. I'm more than depressed that is is all over and I have to come back to school. Very upset about coming back to school, like dreading coming back. That is all.